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Vacuum Degassing Oven

Posttime:2009-08-07 16:30 Hits:


Vacuum Degassing Oven
Categories: Asphalt、Aggregates
product number: BS-3023
product name: Vacuum Degassing Oven
producer: Humboldt
type: H-1641
specification: AASHTO R28-06;SHRP计划
producing area: USA

Vacuum Degassing Oven (VDO)— H-1641
Vacuum Degassing Oven, 230V 50Hz— H-1641.5F

The Vacuum Degassing Oven (VDO) is used to precisely and accurately degas pressure-aged binder samples to meet AASHTO R28-06 and ASTM D6521-05 standards. The compact, table-top unit is constructed of stainless steel with a hinged lid to conserve space while allowing easy access to the stainless steel vacuum chamber. The oven holds up to(4)specimen containers and features a self-contained, automatic vacuum system. The high-precision controller features a digital display indicating time, temperature and the current stage of each process, as well as illuminated pre-heat, degas and end/stop buttons. It also features audible and visual alarms, indicating end of process. Over temperature protection is provided by a pressure safety release solenoid valve. The VDO includes (4) specimen containers and a specimen removal tool.


Vacuum Degassing Oven
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